// Golden Cookie Clicker // By RainSlide // Automatically click golden cookies and reindeers, won't click wrath cookies. // Version 1.0 // Updated 2022-04-19 // Cookie Clicker: https://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/ "use strict"; if (typeof Game !== "object" || Game === null || !Array.isArray(Game.shimmers)) { console.error( "Golden Cookie Clicker: Cookie Clicker API is not ready or invalid.\n" + "Please make sure you are running this script on a Cookie Clicker webpage, " + "and the page is fully loaded." ); } else if (typeof Proxy !== "function") { console.error( "Golden Cookie Clicker: JavaScript Proxy API is not available, " + "either update your browser, or use the ES3 compatible version:\n"+ "https://rainslide.neocities.org/cookieclicker/GoldenCookieClicker.es3.js" ); } else { const apply = (target, _this, args) => { var shimmer = args[0]; if (shimmer.type === "golden" || shimmer.wrath || shimmer.type === "reindeer") { setTimeout(() => shimmer.pop(), 500); } return Reflect.apply(target, _this, args); }; Object.defineProperty(Game.shimmers, "push", { value: new Proxy(Game.shimmers.push, { apply }), writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); if (typeof Game.Win === "function") { Game.Win("Third-party"); } }